Water, Sanitation and Hygiene-WASH
This will focus on contributing to the right to life and security, with the aim of assisting drought and conflict affected IDPs and host communities spread over the country. Interventions will focus on the provision of safe water, sanitation facilities and hygiene promotion distribution of Non Food Items (NFIs) and skills training.
Food security, livelihoods and enterprises
The income generation and farming empowerment are central to food and economic security on Somalia. Women on their part have contended with the widespread poverty compounded by their lack of essential skills, resources, leadership, and a very high vulnerability to violence. The lack of educational, financial, and organizational leadership resources available for farmers and entrepreneurs particularly women, are limiting the economic capacity of the individual household. Further, a predominance of subsistence households continues to undermine the village- wide market economy/stability and the general nutritional and primary health of the population particularly for the most vulnerable, including pregnant and nursing women, women heads of household, and children under five
To address a need for greater household food security and Livelihoods, KHADO will promote greater diversity of methods and practice in skill building and business. Diversifications in agricultural techniques, such as in irrigation and sowing for example, will expand the tools available for farmers based on the microclimate and soil variations of their land. Through small enterprise training, entrepreneurs will learn to re-assess their village markets and devise businesses that utilize their skills or learn new skills to serve local needs in a variety of ways. Microcredit lending activities will target a range of beneficiaries – individuals, cooperatives, farming cooperatives, women’s cooperatives such that a broad range of business have the opportunity to establish and flourish, KHADO will also continue general food distribution activities in emergency respond.
The livelihood programs will focus on injustice and poverty in Somalia, it will be based on the assumption that the people of Somalia need to build their own livelihoods to be able to meet their need for food, income and other basic necessities. Coming in the wake of chronic food insecurity and repeated episodes of both natural and man-made disasters whose frequency and magnitude have been increasing over the last two decades, the focus of this program will be to develop and sustain developmental projects that strengthen the resilience of communities to shocks.
Education is vital to the social and economic integration of future generations. KHADO places a significant focus on this sector to ensure that children affected by conflict can continue to pursue their education. KHADO intends to support education interventions in Somalia as the country scores extremely low on education indicators.
The education programs will support teacher training, construction/rehabilitations of schools infrastructure, building libraries, providing books and classroom furniture to under-resourced schools, and promoting equal access to education and thus empower youth through service learning and leadership training to become active in their communities and act as agents for change
KHADO will strive to provide shelter for IDPs and host community by mobilizing resources and funds for such essential support through construction of; transitional Shelter, semi-permanent shelter, and permanent construction/durable solution.
In situations of displacement, there is always loss of personal property. Very often people flee with little more than the clothes they are wearing, Shelter and basic NFIs provide the bedrock of recovery from the shock of displacement and offer early relief from disaster, without this foundation, the chances of protecting basic human dignity are reduced, health is compromised, the ability to cope with poor nutrition is diminished and it is increasingly difficult to improve lives in the settlements.
The Governance Program focuses on sharing knowledge and expertise, with a view of disseminating standards and principles of good governance that support the ongoing process of reform in Somalia. The Program will strengthen collaboration with the most relevant development partners in implementing public governance reforms in Somalia. Central to this will be public sector reforms in view of unlocking social and economic development and of meeting citizens’ growing expectations in terms of quality services, inclusive policy making and transparency. It will also establish sustainable structures for local policy dialogue to enhance state-society relations.
Knowing the gender disparities and patriarchal social structure in Somalia, where women are contending with the problem of status compounded by their gaps in skills, resources and leadership with a very high vulnerability to violence. KHADO will strive to tackle to following issues to enhance human rights protection:
- Combating impunity and strengthening accountability, the rule of law, and democratic societies, with an emphasis on institution and capacity building
- Protecting human rights in situations of violence and insecurity, with a focus on the protection of civilians, internally displaced persons and journalists
- Countering discrimination, with a special focus on discrimination against women and ethnic minorities;
- Supporting the signature, ratification and implementation of human rights treaties and facilitating Somalia’s effective cooperation with Special Procedures of the Human Rights Council; and
- Raising awareness about economic and social rights.
KHADO will ensure women’s access to resources and participation in decision-making processes. Projects are designed to promote women roles in the society, promote them economically, and provide livelihood trainings and financial means. Through its holistic approach and having the knock-on effect of income generating capacity, KHADO trains women for a range of income generation activities, deliver trainings to female teachers. Training and supporting the legislative and executive function and relevant civic leaders to work together to maintain law and order, protect human rights, support elections and active civic engagement in political participation while promote gender equity and diversity as a central component in program planning, implementation and management.
Projected future long term development programs
KHADO as a part of the Somali civil society aims to assist Somalia in restoring the mutual respect and trust required both for the establishment of new, viable public and private institutions. KHADO peace promotion and reconciliation projects create awareness on the significance of peace in relation to sustained development. KHADO will capacitate its staff to design and implement projects that better meet the growing needs of women, girls, boys and men in affected populations. Raise the host communities’ awareness about GBV, harmful traditional practices toward women and children and gender violence issues and build their capacity combating GBV.
Other key programming areas will include peace building efforts and gender issues/women development and prevention of Violence Against Women (VAW).